Hello, my name is Clara Adelsperger, author of this blog, Two > One: Co-Teaching in Mathematics!
I am currently a high school math teacher in Ohio where I teach Geometry, Algebra, co-taught Geometry and co-taught Algebra. I am also in the process of wrapping up my master's degree in the Advanced Studies of Applied Mathematics through the American College of Education. This program has allowed me to extend my skills as a high school math teacher, but in the process, has led to my interest to be peaked in how my learning can be applied to the high school co-taught mathematics classroom. These areas of interest will be the focus of this blog!
Before my current teaching position, right out of college, I was unsure what co-teaching was supposed to look like. From my observation, it looked like content teacher did all of the teaching while the intervention specialist served as a glorified babysitter and a second body to prevent distractions in the classroom... don't worry, I know better now!!! Under the guidance of a wonderful mentor and who also been my Geometry and Algebra co-teacher for the past three years, I have learned how a successful and rewarding co-taught math classroom is supposed to function. Though I am far from an expert in the field of co-teaching, I do feel like this blot can be used as a resource to share strategies, create a platform for dialogue and explain how ideas that I learned in my master's program can be used in a co-taught mathematics classroom.
I hope you enjoy the content and feel free in sharing your own successes, discoveries and challenges!
Clara A
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