Co-Teaching Presentation: What is It?
During the last school year, I was given the privilege to present at two professional development days that we had in our school district. As I was with our district's cotaught teachers, my special education co-teacher was in another room, working with the interventional specialists. We both presented the same presentation, but provided details using our specific backgrounds in the co-taught pairing.
The presentation "What is Co-Teaching?" is attached. I hope that you are able to get use out of it. It discusses the value of a co-teaching partnership, what it looks like, what it does not look like, a variety of co-teaching strategies (which I will focus on in a later blog), roles and responsibilities of each co-teacher and how planning takes place in the partnership. I hope that you find this useful!
On these slides, you will see examples of how my co-teacher and I plan, resources we have created and used to find our own strengths and carve our our roles in the cotaught classroom and a prompt that my co-teacher an I use each semester, "You help this partnership excel by..." and "I struggle when...". A lot of these conversations are vulnerable and uncomfortable at first, but once your co-teacher becomes one of your closest friends, your perspective easily changes. I am thankful for the relationship I have had with my co-teacher, as it has set a strong foundation for the students in our classroom and has led to great success for us!
Adelsperger, C. & Scott, J. (2021). What is coteaching? [Presentation]. Prezi.
Education Week. (2011, October, 14). Coteaching is a marriage [Video]. YouTube.
Paula Kluth. (2016, July 27). Are those apples sweaters? Coteaching rap [Video]. YouTube.
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